Month: February 2017


Enough I cannot settle to the work today. The Fears have me by the throat. Fear of Not Enough – not enough money not enough talent not enough brains to save myself from drowning from debt from the voices that cry out again and… Continue Reading “Enough…”

Finding My Bearings Now

A post-dramatic approach to breast cancer treatment - by a recovering drama queen

Starting Over

Because there's never enough time to do it right the first time but there's always enough time to do it over

Ailish Sinclair

Stories and photos from Scotland

Cathy Standiford

Historical fiction, poetry, essays

Finding My Bearings Now

A post-dramatic approach to breast cancer treatment - by a recovering drama queen

Starting Over

Because there's never enough time to do it right the first time but there's always enough time to do it over

Ailish Sinclair

Stories and photos from Scotland

Cathy Standiford

Historical fiction, poetry, essays