Category: Check Ins – Life and Work

Time/energy and how to find true rest when your schedule has you running like mad…

I am very busy, right now, with many things on my plate each day and I can see myself slipping into old beliefs of time and energy scarcity.
Never enough time.
Never enough energy.

And as these old beliefs took hold, last week, I found a feeling of deliciousness but also danger in…climbing into a warm bath and… watching TV. Oh the decadence of it. Watching NetFlix while having a sweet soaker with scented bubbles. Ahhhhhh—right?

Yes. But


Amazing news!!!
I will be returning to my hometown to serve as the 2022-2023 Writer in Residence for the Regina Public Library. I am STOKED!!!

The Wonder and the Craft

There is information coming to me today about wonder, about the connection to mystery and about the wisdom of my imagination and how it will bring me that which is beyond what my logical mind can fathom.

I love how our work reveals us, brings gifts to us, unwinds us and reveals our deepest desires.

We’ve had some snow today…

Sometimes there was nothing by white deep drifting for a long section, but looking ahead, I could see the old path and then I would cut a new(ish) trail to meet up with the tracings of the old one.

Staying Put… for now

today the air is full of noise and fear
chitter chatter
skitter scatter

i take a breath
listen deeper
watch the light move across the wall

trying to hear my own wisdom

How Do We Show Ourselves That Our Desires Matter?

Hey Gang I attended Jennifer Louden’s Masterclass last night.  It was great to see her so excited about sharing her thoughts on the top three hidden fears that keep us from doing our work in the world – the work we so deeply desire… Continue Reading “How Do We Show Ourselves That Our Desires Matter?”

Getting Our Scary Sh*t DONE!

I am getting so excited!
I will be serving as a coach for Jen Louden’s upcoming seven week course on Getting Your Scary Sh*t Done.


Jen is offering a FREE Masterclass on Monday. Check it out at

making room for magic…

Hullo Sweeties As some of you know, I’ve been hanging out with Jennifer Louden over at the OASIS for a while now. I just passed into my second year as a member and I am still loving up the space that Jen creates and… Continue Reading “making room for magic…”

I will take life….

I will take life and say, “yes” to it this week… By returning again and again to the breath filling my lungs By noticing the transitions, the “between” times Returning again and again to the awareness that as my life is flowing along —a… Continue Reading “I will take life….”


Enough I cannot settle to the work today. The Fears have me by the throat. Fear of Not Enough – not enough money not enough talent not enough brains to save myself from drowning from debt from the voices that cry out again and… Continue Reading “Enough…”

Finding My Bearings Now

A post-dramatic approach to breast cancer treatment - by a recovering drama queen

Starting Over

Because there's never enough time to do it right the first time but there's always enough time to do it over

Ailish Sinclair

Stories and photos from Scotland

Cathy Standiford

Historical fiction, poetry, essays

Finding My Bearings Now

A post-dramatic approach to breast cancer treatment - by a recovering drama queen

Starting Over

Because there's never enough time to do it right the first time but there's always enough time to do it over

Ailish Sinclair

Stories and photos from Scotland

Cathy Standiford

Historical fiction, poetry, essays