Tag: Living by the moon

Shake and Bake 89: Contemplating…the Contemplating…

Another quick work/life check in…. When does “living intentionally” slip over into… self-obsession? Enquiring minds want to know….

Shake and Bake 88: Resetting the Compass

Wherein Pam contemplates how to “keep the faith” on the long long journey that is writing a novel… and gets a kick from the universe to reset her compass and carry on.

Und now for something completely different…. Another 3 Day Novel Post

Tis time again, the Pamster said, to talk of many things…. especially the 3day Novel Contest and a rather NOVEL idea of how to play this year. Wish me well. Wish me wise. Wish me words tumbling tumbling tumbling.
With some wild SHAMANIC drumming thrown in to warm our blood.

Shake and Bake 87: Back in the Saddle Again

New Moon time – the leaves are turning…and Pam is back in the saddle…working away at this and that… with an eye to the moon and the elemental beauty of the whole shebang. Accompanied by Gene Autry.

Shake and Bake 86: The Ripe Berries, Open Hands, All In Edition

A new moon and a little Cherry Berry Wine….

Shake and Bake 85: Cake Bakin’ and Train Waitin’

A quick little chicken pecked out in the train station parking lot…

Shake and Bake 84: Bringing on the RAIN

Moving from a focus on Work and outward expression into a focus on inner work. de-cluttering Feelings/Emotions…. singing and dancing in the R.A.I.N.

Shake and Bake 83: Hearthurt but oh such joys…. blooming everywhere

… wherein Pam rebels from the very concept of de-cluttering and sings the praises of baking a nice spicy loaf of LOVE.

Shake and Bake 82: Clutteriouser and Clutteriouser

A quick check-in on the ClutterFront and a call out to the universe…. from the 70s.

Shake and Bake 81: New Calming Moon New Calming Practice?

Wherein Pam welcomes the New Moon of July and kicks off her new plan of using the elements to deepen her practices/habits. This months focus – de-cluttering. (YERP!)

Finding My Bearings Now

A post-dramatic approach to breast cancer treatment - by a recovering drama queen

Starting Over

Because there's never enough time to do it right the first time but there's always enough time to do it over

Ailish Sinclair

Stories and photos from Scotland

Cathy Standiford

Historical fiction, poetry, essays

Finding My Bearings Now

A post-dramatic approach to breast cancer treatment - by a recovering drama queen

Starting Over

Because there's never enough time to do it right the first time but there's always enough time to do it over

Ailish Sinclair

Stories and photos from Scotland

Cathy Standiford

Historical fiction, poetry, essays