Category: Uncategorized

Journaling with Jenny! How I use different types of journals in my writing practice (and LIFE)

I was recently invited to do a podcast interview with Jennifer Troester about journaling.I love Jenny and her podcast and journaling, so I leapt at the chance to chat with her about it. You can leap over and listen in HERE: Spotify  Apple  Or… Continue Reading “Journaling with Jenny! How I use different types of journals in my writing practice (and LIFE)”


Amazing news!!!
I will be returning to my hometown to serve as the 2022-2023 Writer in Residence for the Regina Public Library. I am STOKED!!!

Edging toward the 3 Day Novel Contest: Court Your Muse with These Three Questions

If you’re reaching towards an idea for a story, pour yourself a tasty beverage and spend some time with these three questions to see what rises to the surface.

Soul Stories Offerings Summer 2022

Hey there fabulous writer.  Are you looking for some company and support for the summer that won’t break the bank or overload you with HOMEWORK? I might have JUST THE THING!

We’ve had some snow today…

Sometimes there was nothing by white deep drifting for a long section, but looking ahead, I could see the old path and then I would cut a new(ish) trail to meet up with the tracings of the old one.

Staying Put… for now

today the air is full of noise and fear
chitter chatter
skitter scatter

i take a breath
listen deeper
watch the light move across the wall

trying to hear my own wisdom


Enough I cannot settle to the work today. The Fears have me by the throat. Fear of Not Enough – not enough money not enough talent not enough brains to save myself from drowning from debt from the voices that cry out again and… Continue Reading “Enough…”

A year end offering: A few of my favourite things…

Hullo Sweeties I find myself in a strange, disconnected, space tonight.  I did not sleep well (meaning AT ALL) last night.  I fell into some kind of awful sleep coma from about 8am til 11:30 and emerged from it wishing that I had just… Continue Reading “A year end offering: A few of my favourite things…”

telling our stories (a NaNoWriMo wrap-up)

Hullo Sweeties… Time to wrap up this year’s adventure in NaNoLand.  It was a good month.  An interesting month. As I read over the posts I made in November I kept dipping back into the work I did on that specific day—seeking both things… Continue Reading “telling our stories (a NaNoWriMo wrap-up)”

the gift of Bean…and others…

Mostly Happy Cover

Sending out wishes for Happy Holidays to one and all and… here’s something lovely that warms my heart. Five novels are on sale this week over at Thistledown Press and sweet Bean is included in the mix. Tis an honour to be keeping company… Continue Reading “the gift of Bean…and others…”

Finding My Bearings Now

A post-dramatic approach to breast cancer treatment - by a recovering drama queen

Starting Over

Because there's never enough time to do it right the first time but there's always enough time to do it over

Ailish Sinclair

Stories and photos from Scotland

Cathy Standiford

Historical fiction, poetry, essays

Finding My Bearings Now

A post-dramatic approach to breast cancer treatment - by a recovering drama queen

Starting Over

Because there's never enough time to do it right the first time but there's always enough time to do it over

Ailish Sinclair

Stories and photos from Scotland

Cathy Standiford

Historical fiction, poetry, essays